Greetings Everybody.
If you are a part of the Atlantic-Pacific Tang Soo Do Foundation or Federation, you are invited to this event with Kwan Jang Nim.
Please mark your calendar for the next Moo Do Learn and Share with Kwan Jang Nim on Saturday, December 21st, 2 pm EST. 
We will cover 30 minutes of Moo Do Tradition (Jun Tong) and 30 minutes of questions. The topic segways beautifully with Moo Do Culture, which we covered in the last learn and share webinar. 
Here is everything to participate in this weekend's Zoom call with our Federations' President and Founder Grandmaster, John St. James. (NOTE: Remember to keep track of your time zone and time.)
Here is the Zoom invite.
*** KJN John StJames is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zoom Teaching with GM St. James
Time: Nov 9, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4101 7195
Passcode: 288550