Kyosa Nim /1st Degree

Mr. Bibek Giri is a student of Bu Sabom Nim Mr. Tony Misita. He currently teaches at Nepal Tang Soo Do in Kapan, Kathmandu, Nepal. With the assistance of Mr. Misita and our APTSDF Foundation, he was instrumental in founding the first Tang Soo Do school in the capital of the Himalayan Kingdom.

Mr. Giri currently continues to receive annual visits from Mr. Misita, with the purpose of continuing the training of our Nepali APTSDF school in Nepal, as well as organizing self defense campaigns with the assistance of our Nepali Blackbelt Leadership in a variety of settings. Mr.

Giri was instrumental in managing our last and 3rd Female Self Defense Awareness Campaign, which reached 10 schools, our highest number so far, 3 of which were in very remote village locations in Province #1/Mt. Everest Region; a campaign which additionally included the largest number of young ladies and women visited, with an annual Female Self-Defense Awareness Campaign since we started the annual event.

Mr. Giri has over 10 years of experience related to his personal training and delivering student instruction. 

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